- the Marketing Links Directory


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About, the Marketing Links Directory

MarketingWHO is the newest niche links directory online, founded in 2005 - it first came online in October 24! is operated by a small and enthusiastic group of Marketing professionals and it is entirely human edited and reviewed.

MarketingWHO is a highly categorized directory, servicing Marketing-only websites and webpages. It was created as a response to the ever growing need of the Marketing professionals to find quality content rather quantity. Unfortunately, the tremendous growth of the internet resulted in a tremendous growth of directories and search engines, often providing irrelevant resources. At MarketingWHO we respect our users' time and efforts, and we strive to offer them a useful, quality collection of relevant links, organized in categories and subcategories.
Our directory is hand-edited by our editors, who are actually Marketing professionals themselves and are able to distinguish and understand what makes a valuable addition to a Marketing-only directory and what does not.

MarketingWHO is built on the phpLinkDirectory platform, one of the most capable scripts within its field, and has been further improved and adapted to this directory's specific needs.
We have implemented several features not commonly met on online directories, such as the possibility to add our content straight into your MyYahoo! and MyMSN RSS readers and we continuously research new ways to meet the needs and demands of our users.

As a publisher, website owner, operator or designer, you have four options to add your URL to our directory. We offer you both paid and unpaid listings, reciprocal or non-reciprocal - feel free to choose the one that suits you best. All we want and expect in return is a quality, Marketing-related website within the directory.

MarketingWHO has just embarked on its adventure online, and will come with innovative, exciting features for its users. The MarketingWHO team is commited to develop this directory into the ultimate collection of resources for Marketing professionals, and we're making all efforts to grow it and promote it accordingly.

For information about MarketingWHO, strategic partnerships or corporate advertising opportunities, please contact Otilia Otlacan ([email protected]). Technical and billing issues should be addressed to [email protected]

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